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Rocky Canyon Hot Springs pools (North of Crouch, Idaho) before they were demolished
Idaho rules
Ahhh, Idaho. :)
River, ferns, stone.
Hailey ID Winter - Croy Canyon
Happy Breakfast!
Pink Easter egg waiting in the grass
What does a rooster say? 

English: cock-a-doodle-do!
Danish: kykyliky
Dutch: kukeleku
Finnish: kukko kiekuu
French: cocorico
German: kikeriki
Greek: kikiriku/kikiriki
Hebrew: coo-koo-ri-koo
Hungarian: kukuriku
Italian: chicchirichi
Japanese: ko-ke-kok-ko-o
Portuguese: cucurucu
Russian: kukareku
Swedish: kuckeliku
Turkish: kuk-kurri-kuuu
Urdu: kuklooku

What does a rooster say? English: cock-a-doodle-do! Danish: kykyliky Dutch: kukeleku Finnish: kukko kiekuu French: cocorico German: kikeriki Greek: kikiriku/kikiriki Hebrew: coo-koo-ri-koo Hungarian: kukuriku Italian: chicchirichi Japanese: ko-ke-kok-ko-o Portuguese: cucurucu Russian: kukareku Swedish: kuckeliku Turkish: kuk-kurri-kuuu Urdu: kuklooku
Photo Credit: Lisa Callagher Chambers